Supporting Homeless Veterans

Supporting Homeless VeteransMountain Foothills Rotary Club was honored to participate in a community-wide effort to collect personal care items for homeless veterans. Organized by TallGrass Salon and Spa in Evergreen, the Veterans Backpack Project provided an opportunity to support those who have given so much for our country. Thanks to the giving hearts of our members, and a very generous donation from Walmart in Evergreen, we were able to collect a record amount of supplies this year, all of which will be organized and packed next week, and then distributed to homeless veterans in need of assistance. ![]() Mountain Foothills Rotary Club is a wonderful place to get involved in giving back to our community in so many ways. If you're someone who wants to be a part of a Rotary's important mission, please send an email to We're always happy to welcome new members! Kudos to all involved!
Ice Melt 2024/2025![]() Check out our Ice Melt website at for more detailed information about how and where you can purchase your tickets. Mountain Foothills Rotary Club will also be selling Ice Melt tickets this weekend at the Evergreen Alternative Fair, so stop by, say hi, and get some tickets for yourself, your family and friends. Each ticket is a chance to win! 5980 County Hwy 73, Evergreen, CO 80439 Saturday, November 9th, 2023 | 9am-4pm Sunday, November 10th, 2023 | 9am-3pm |
April 13, 2024 - Larry Madden Memorial![]() In Memory of Larry MaddenLarry Madden, a Charter Member of Mountain Foothills and a long time Rotarian, passed away on February 22, 2024. Larry's longtime dedication to Rotary and to Evergreen made our club what it is today. As a long time golfer, Larry was instrumental in helping our Club's Andy Smith Golf Tournament a reality. |
Andy Smith Golf 2025![]() Stay tuned for information about our 2025 Andy Smith Sr. INSPIRE Golf Tournament! |
April 4, 2024 - Ice Melt Barrel News! |
February 28, 2024![]() We welcome Jody Kirkpatrick, Kathryn Avery-Severns, and Jacci Mason as new members to our club.
june 11 |
Memorial day story |
may 20![]() We have what should be interesting program. Einar Jensen will be our guest speaker. He is a member of the Evergreen First Responders. Community risk reduction is his calling. A veteran life safety educator and former volunteer firefighter who combines a liberal arts background in environmental history, public speaking and writing to excel at teaching multiple ages to reduce a myriad of risks. Pixy Jack Press recently published his book "Ancient Fire, Modern Fire: Understanding and Living with Our Friend & Foe." Remember the June 28th changing of the guard party. The golf tournament is off to a great start. Project chair P.J. is pulling the right levers and things are offf to great start. Bill Downes has secured about half the needed sponsors and sign ups are happening. Keith reprogramed the website, which was a herculean effort. Had we would have had to pay for that service, it would have amounted to several thousand dollars. We are very thankful for those whose contributed efforts make for successful projects. Last week we had a good discussion concerning how we can regain our culture of fun and respect for each other. The wisdom hangs on the wall in the form of the 4 way test. Please come |
514story![]() Wednesday we are going to spend our time together looking at ourselves in the mirror. Its importunate for you to be present to help this critical look at Mountain Foothills Rotary. Attendance as been poor, and we have lost a concerning number of members. Honestly some of those members might not have been a good fit for us, but we can’t fail to consider that we may not have been a good fit for some of the members we lost. Our culture of being a group wo has more fun while doing good in our community has not always been evident at our board and membership meetings…We need to change that. We need your input and we all need to answer the question, “How can I help make Mountain Foothills Rotary the club that has more fun?” Please come……… we need your contribution. If you can’t come in person… zoom in. |
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Ice Melt 2022/2023 - Denver 7Denver7 - 6AM Clip |
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christmas![]() Last night’s holiday party was great. The meal was delicious by all accounts and the good will was abundant. Thanks to Nancy Grant and Susanne Robert who did the secret soppers and to Dave Talbot for acting as referee, also thanks to T.J. for the arrangements with Mount Vernon We are dark for the next two weeks. (21st and 29th). On Jan. 4th we meet by zoom and will ask members to help us set club new year’s resolutions. On Jan. 11th we will meet at The Wild Game for fun and bowling from 6:30 to 8:30. Then, on Jan. 18th we will have our normal meeting at the usual time and have Cory Vander Veen, EPRD executive director as our speaker. See the website for details. Over the weekend we sold $417 in ice melt tickets. Our thanks to Michael Lanier, Bob Zavodski, Keith Dragon and Dave Talbot for volunteering. We Would like to sell on Dec. 31st as it will be a huge day at the groceries, then on the 7th and 8th. Since the Salvation Army is done by then, we can use all three locations. I would ask you to consider that if a bunch of geriatrics and a guy in a wheelchair can do this, so can you. Please reply to me and sign up to sell from 11 to 1 on……..Dec. 31, Jan. 7 or Jan. 8. It’s for Maren’s Kids and those who need ECHO’s help. Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year. |
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2020 - 2023 Council CycleWith the conclusion of the 2022 Council on Resolutions (COR), I am pleased to provide you with the Report of Action. In this report, you will find: • A letter from Council Services • Resolutions that were adopted • Vote tallies for the adopted items Voting results for all 2022 resolutions can be found on My Rotary. Please note that the deadline for submitting resolutions to the 2023 COR is 30 June 2023. A link to the submission form, plus helpful resources, can be found on the Councils page of My Rotary. If you have any questions about the report or the COR, please let us know. Best regards, Sarah Christensen Supervisor | Council Services |
Holiday Food Drive | Donations Needed!![]() |
Colorado Gives Day - December 6, 2022 |
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November 24, 2022 - Happy Thanksgiving!![]() |
Ice Melt Tickets - 2022/2023 Contest |
Dictionary Project (Stickers!) - November 20, 2022 |
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Seniors 4 Wellness Luncheon - November 18, 2022 |
1113story![]() This week is a club assembly. The membership committee will present our new processes and Jaime Rich will present the new plans for Ice Melt. In order to ensure we have good attendance T.J. and I decided we will have the sliders we all love. So, our meeting will be fun and informative…. and filling. Next Sunday the 20th we need volunteers at Bill Downes office to sort and package our dictionaries. The session will be at 12:30. We will need this session to get them ready for distribution. That’s not all…We need volunteers to deliver them to the following schools: Here’s how it will work…. P.J. and Carma will set an appointment with each school for the dictionaries to be delivered. Delivery will be made when the kids (third graders) are available. We (you and P.J. or Carma will speak to the kids telling them a little about Rotary, a little about the 4-way test and giving them the books. Please let PJ know you can help: PJ Dyon <
Don’t forget to RSVP with T.J. for the holiday party on Dec. 18th beginning at 6PM at Mount Vernon The cost $25 ![]() Come for te sliders.... stay for the friendship |
November 12 & 13, 2022 - Ice Melt Ticket Sales
October 31, 2022 - Club Anniversary |
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Crutches 4 Africa - Needs Your Help! |
October 28 - Boo-gie Bash 2022 |
October 24, 2022 - Rotary International - World Polio Day |
1023story![]() This week Rotary is dedicated to fighting polio. In the early 20th century, polio was one of the most feared diseases in industrialized countries, paralyzing hundreds of thousands of children every year. Soon after the introduction of effective vaccines in the 1950s and 1960’s polio was brought under control and practically eliminated as a public health problem in most countries. Irradiation means zero cases, and although close, the desease has not been brought to zero cases. The Gates Foundation and Rotary International continue to persue total irradiation. In 1955 at the age of 2 1⁄2, Dave Talbot was diagnosed with polio, ironically just two weeks after Jonas Salk announced a preventive vaccine for the disease. He grew up in Arvada, graduating from Arvada High School, never letting his handicap alter his view of life as an adventure. 2005 he and Candice formed Crutches 4 Africa. In keeping with our desire to provide experts on important subjects, we have our own Dave Talbot to talk about polio. The celebration of life event for Bill Skewes was a packed house at Hiwan. There was a good contingent of Mountain Foothills Rotarians present. Thanks to those wo honored our founding president. See you Wednesday. |
October 22, 2022 - Bill Skewes Memorial (Updated)![]() Obituaries for William "Bill" Frederick Skewes: Horan & McConaty The Canyon Courier For more information on the service for Bill and his Celebration of Life, please read more.
2022 Andy Smith Golf Checks!
109 story![]() This week our speaker is George Wortman. George is a friend who spent most of his career in the pharmaceutical business. He has worked as a practicing pharmacist, researcher, and has introduced several important new medicines to the market. He is one of the most sincere people I know, which qualifies him as a truth-teller. I know you will learn from his discussion of his industry, and you will find his presentation style to be entertaining. Don’t miss this meeting. Our friend and fellow Rotarian Gail Sharp ask for our participation in her “soldier bags project” There are 1400 homeless vets in Colorado and 650 are in our metro area. The project needs donations of these items which will be packed in back packs: Wet wipes Travel hand sanitizer Small bars of soap Combs Razor and small saving cream Water bottles Hand & foot warmers Men’s underwear Lip balm Deodorant stick Toothpaste and toothbrushes Here is how it works.
Please…..let’s support this good program. Rotary Scholarship Program Introduction: Our District is sponsoring a scholarship for graduate scholars who live in our district. (generally, the Denver/Boulder area) and are planning on studying outside the U.S. These scholarships are the oldest program of RI having been around since 1947. These scholarships have successfully advanced world understanding. These scholarships are awarded to students with strong experience in humanitarian service and who want to enhance their background through graduate studies. For more information contact Dave Willman 303 506-4870. Next week Dave Brewick will give his economic forecast and discussion of inflation The following week we will donate our weekly proceeds to the battle of polio…. Our speaker, is an expert on polio….. Dave Talbot. Holiday party……….. Either Dec. 11th or Dec. 18th Let us know if you have a conflict with either. Editors note: We have three weeks of really great programs coming up. Good attendance makes the effort to secure good programs worthwhile. |
Bench Dedication - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
2022 Jeffco Sheriff Discussion
September 21, 2022 - Jeffco Sheriff Discussion![]() Meet The Candidate's Night Join us for a moderated discussion with questions from the Evergreen Community. Buchanan Recreation Center Bergen Peak Room 32003 Ellingwood Trail Evergreen, CO 80439 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM To submit questions or more information please contact us at: |
September 21, 2022 - Bench DedicationMountain Foothills Rotary Foundation Bench Dedication - Bergen Park ![]() Join us in the park! The Foundation of Mountain Foothills Rotary has donated a park bench for all to enjoy in Bergen Park. Bergen Park 1450 Old Highway 74 Evergreen, CO 80439 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM For more information please contact us at: |
Thanks to our Cleanup "Crew"
September 17, 2022 - Highway 74 Clean Up![]() |
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Thanks Everyone!!![]() This year I had the privilege of working with one of the best teams EVER! It was amazing how well obstacles were overcome to ensure that this year's golf outing was a success! Thank you to EVERYONE who volunteered their time and talents to this event. Without your help, this event would have only been a shadow of itself. You're all dedicated givers and truly exemplify SERVICE ABOVE SELF! I am honored to call you all friends. pjd
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Change of Plans 6/15/22 meeting CANCELEDJune 15 Meeting Canceled.As most of you may know, our wonderful hockey team, the Colorado Avalanche is in the Stanley Cup Play-offs. And as luck would have it, their first game is Wednesday, June 15 at 6 pm. Those of you who really know me, know that I am not a sports fan. Yet, I'm very sensitive to those of you who are sports fans and I know that the Stanley Cup is a BIG DEAL!! This coupled with both Doug and I coming back from Houston with Covid, it was a no brainer to cancel this weeks meeting. Tune in your favorite tv station, either at home or in your favorite watering hole, have an adult beverage of choice and prepare to be entertained by some incredible skating. On 6/22/22 - DR POZ AND FRIENDS @ the Lake HouseEvergreen local Paul Cohen, aka ‘Dr. Poz’, is no stranger to entertaining audiences. Studying clarinet and saxophone at an early age, he has developed into a talented musician who has graced innumerable local and national festivals and stages, as well as playing our venerated Red Rocks Amphitheater twice. Along his musical journey, Paul has performed with such legends as Peter Wolf from the J. Geils Band and John Oates of Hall & Oates fame. Since his arrival in Colorado in 1995, Paul's easy-going personality and love of music have attracted a diverse group of talented musicians whom he is proud to call Friends. When these Friends join forces with Paul, an irresistible blend of rock, blues, funk, soul, R&B and Motown music is created. As he likes to say, “if it feels good, we play it!”. 6/22/22 No Speaker - Lake Concert For all of you newer members, here are the details you'll need to enjoy an evening of music and social enjoyment. An evening of social activity at the lake. Please bring finger food to share, a chair for yourself and your favorite beverage in can or plastic. NO GLASS. The wine club will be present and paper products will be provided. Evergreen Lake House Physical Address29612 Upper Bear Creek Road Evergreen, CO 80439 General InformationDue to the current health orders, reservations will NOT be required. Evergreen Lake House is located at 29612 Upper Bear Creek Road, Evergreen, CO. Evergreen Lake provides a scenic view of the lake, mountains, and ponderosa pine trees. Pack a picnic or purchase from a food truck, then settle in and enjoy the music on a warm summer night as the sun sets over the mountains behind you. No glass is allowed in the park. You may bring cans and plastic containers. Please help keep the park clean by cleaning up after yourself. You can pack a picnic or grab a bite from one of our food vendors. E-Z Up tents may only be set up at the edges of the park and must not interfere with the sponsor tents. E-Z Ups can only be set-up after 4 PM on concert days. No dome or half-dome tents are permitted. List of additional park rules.
ParkingParking is very limited. A limited number of free parking spaces at Evergreen Lake House are usually filled by 4:30 PM. New!30 additional VIP Parking Passes will be sold on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 9:00 AM. These are only available to purchase online. The VIP parking pass is $100 and is valid for the three summer concerts. VIP parking pass holders may arrive as early as 3:30 PM. If you are not parked by 5:30 PM, your parking space can be given away. Free ShuttlesShuttle buses begin running at 5:00 PM from parking lots at Wulf Recreation Center, 5300 S. Olive Road and Christ the King Catholic Church, 4291 Evergreen Parkway. Last shuttle at 8:15 PM. PetsPlease leave pets at home. If you must bring your dogs, keep them on leash and cleanup after them. |
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Ice Melt Checks 2022Presenting checks to our fundraiser beneficiaries is one of the most rewarding activities of the year. Last night there were three large checks presented to the not for profit beneficiaries supported by Mountain Foothills Rotary's Ice Melt. Thank you all for your hard work making 2021-2022 Ice Melt a great success!!
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Our 2-2-22 Speaker![]() Betsy Hays Mount Evans MANY Services Betsy Hays is the Development Director at Mount Evan's Home Healthcare and Hospice. She will explain the many services this organization offers. ![]() |
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Club Social 1-28-22![]() |
Our 1-26-22 Speaker![]() Justin Kruger Project Helping Project Helping works as a resource to address mental health situations. Justin Kruger is the organization's founder. Their mission is to improve mental wellness through accessible experiences that create purpose and connection. |
The Jan. 12, 2022 Barrel placement![]() Stay tuned for more exciting ways to engage in our second biggest fundraiser: Ice Melt! Without your participation, the INSPIRE program, EchO, C4A and our MFR Foundation will be at a disadvantage. |
Our Jan. 19 Speaker![]() Dave and Kay Brewick
Jan 7 story |
Our 1/12/22 Speaker![]() Jim Rohrer and his lovely wife Nancy How Can we become Team U.S. again? |
Travel light![]() When I was going thru a difficult time, some years ago now, this poem presented itself into my life. I've looked at this plaque countless times over the years, as it has followed me from home to home with each change in residence I've made. Reflecting on the recent fires which have taken the homes and lives of so many just north of my home, I've paused to imagine what I would grab to go in an evacuation. This battered old plaque (or now its message in digital form) will be in my go bag, as its message is a distillation and reminder of what is important, to me. May the families who lost so much remember that things can be replaced and may God grant them the courage to start again, to flourish, in the wake of what was lost. PJ Dyon president of Mountain Foothills Rotary |
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Our 1/5/22 Speaker![]() Colorado-based writer and investigative reporter Dan Luzadder shared a Pulitzer Prize for General Local Reporting and is a member of the Scripps Howard Journalism Hall of Fame. The title of his talk is "Journalism Done Right" |
Happy Holidays |
Our 12-15-21 Speaker![]() Dave and Kay Brewick Dave's Economic Forecast Dave Brewick is always someone who has done his homework. As such, his annual forecasts are accurate, entertaining and fact based.
Our 12/8/21 Speaker![]() Kibbe Brown The School of St. Jude – Tanzania and Rotary Sponsorship. Kibbe Brown, our International Committee Chair will make a presentation on the School of St. Jude in Tanzania.
The School of St Jude is a pioneering leader in charitable education within Africa. Their Founder, Gemma Sisia, opened the school in 2002 with a big dream to bring the opportunity of free, quality education to children living in poverty. This remains our mission today. The school provides free education to 1,800 bright, poor primary and secondary students, we support 100s of graduates with access to higher education and provide more than 20,000 government school students with volunteer teachers each year. Located across three campuses, they provide boarding for all secondary students and employ around 300 Tanzanian staff. St Jude’s promotes a holistic, well-rounded education so our students can do more than just succeed; students are empowered to challenge the status quo, find solutions to assist the 45 million Tanzanians living in poverty and become the future leaders their country needs. 100% of St Jude’s students and scholars are on scholarships. |
Dec 01, 2021 | What's Going on at the Evergreen Chamber Nancy Judge, our new Chamber president, will enlighten us concerning the activities of the Evergreen Chamber. Since we have no government, the chamber is our representative concerning what goes on in Evergreen. And Nancy has much to tell us about that! |
A layman's explanation of the geology of the area which would have resulted in the fossilization of the bones and tracks at Dinosaur Ridge presented by Larry Lens, Dinosaur Ridge Speakers Bureau Member
What's the best kept secret scholarship in the Denver metropolitan area? How did it come about? Who can apply? What do they get to do when they're awarded the scholarship? Answers to these questions and more from our own Christopher Nims.
Instead of our regular Club Meeting at Mount Vernon Canyon Club, members are invited to fellowship at the Evergreen Lake House. Tunisia and Sol Over Luna will be performing at the free Evergreen Park Recreational District Concert held at Evergreen Lake House from 5 pm to 9 pm. This is the last concert of the 2019 season.
On October 30, 2001 the Mountain Foothills Rotary club was chartered. It's chartering principles included serving the Evergreen community and making sure its members had fun doing so. They are an evening club meeting at Mount Vernon Canyon Club. The members gather each week before the 6:30 meeting to enjoy each other's company in a social setting. The club has always kept its dues low and made meals optional to insure the cost of belonging is not prohibitive.
The Andy Smith Memorial Special Needs golf tournament and the Ice Melt project have been the biggest projects. As a result, over $400,000 has been contributed to the Evergreen Park and Recreation's special needs kids program and to EChO. The special needs program serves over 200 special needs individuals in the extended Evergreen area providing them with an array of wonderful events and experiences. EChO helps those in the mountain area who find themselves in difficult financial straits. EChO runs a substantial food bank, provides counseling services and helps ready their clients for employment opportunities. EChO's focus is to help clients become self-sustaining.
The club has also embraced an international program called Crutches4Africa. This wonderful initiative is the brainchild of David Talbot, a polio victim himself. This program has shipped over 100,000 crutches and other mobility devices to African polio victims, giving them the gift of mobility. The logistics need financial support to make the shipments, and Mountain Foothills has been a significant contributor to this program both financially and in preparing the devices for shipment. Our members have been emotionally touched by Dave's videos showing the delight on the faces of the recipients.
This Rotary club has had exceptional success combining service and fun. If you want to learn more about Mountain Foothills Rotary, please accept this invitation to join us any Wednesday evening between 5:30 and 6:30 PM at Mount Vernon Caynon Club or simply call us at
303 679-0144. We look forward to meeting you.
Using their talents, expertise, and leadership, Rotary members worldwide are asked to be gifts to the world this upcoming 2015-16 Rotary year.
Rotary International President-elect K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran called Sunday's address to incoming district governors the "most significant moment of my life."
"All of you have been given so many gifts. And you have now been given this great gift: one year to take all your talents, all your gifts, everything that you are and can become -- and Be a Gift to the World," said Ravindran, revealing his presidential theme at the annual five-day training meeting in San Diego, California, USA. "You have one year to take that potential and turn it into reality. One year to lead the clubs in your district and transform the lives of others. The time is so short, yet there is so much to be done."
Highlighting Rotary's biggest challenge, the eradication of polio, Ravindran said, "A future without polio is a gift that we have promised to the children of the world. And indeed it is a gift that we will give."
Ravindran, a member of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Sri Lanka, used Rotary's successes in the fight to eradicate the disease as an illustration of the impact Rotary members can have in the world. When Rotary set a goal of eradicating polio 25 years ago, it was endemic in 125 countries, and more than 1,000 children were becoming paralyzed each day. Today, polio remains endemic in just three countries, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. And in all of 2014, only 333 cases were reported. "We will battle on. We will prevail," he said.
Ravindran discussed some of Rotary's other challenges, including membership.
"We have to find a way to bring back the fundamentals that built our organization: the emphasis on high ethical standards in all aspects of our lives, and the classification system that encourages a diversity of expertise in each club," he said. "Too often these ideas are viewed as little more than inconvenient obstacles to increasing our membership. But they have been essential to Rotary's success, and we ignore them at our own peril."
Ravindran told attendees that the focus on branding is essential to helping Rotary grow. "We need to reposition our image, which we recognize has faded in many parts of the world," he said.
Rotary also needs to continue to raise funds for The Rotary Foundation, attract new members, and encourage greater participation from current members, he added.
"There are no easy answers to any of these questions. And yet the answers must somehow be found. We are the ones who must find them," said Ravindran.
The president-elect closed his speech emphasizing that now is the time to make real change.
"You have one year to build monuments that will endure forever, not carved in granite or marble, but in the lives and hearts of generations. This is our time. It will not come again. Let us grasp it," he said.
Well done, one and all, and thank you for your "More Fun" and assistance for the 2014 Falderal
T.J Carney, Chief Falderalian
With Summer now behind us, those who have done such a good job in making our Club's annual charity golf tournament a success wanted the Club, the Participants, the Beneficiaries and our community to have some information.
Some time back, about 3 years, the Rotary Zone Institute for our area was held in Overland Park, Kansas. A center of the attention for that meeting was the Rotary International Award given to Dave Talbot and Crutches 4 Africa.
Skipping forward to 2014, Dave continues to make connections important to the ongoing goal of helping people get off the ground and into society. One of the Champions is a Texas Rotarian, Sandra Witt, shown here with Dave at the C4A booth at the Zone Institute in Westminster.
Also still moving forward is the goal of raising $44,000 is still underway at IndieGoGo. If you have a way to help, please head there and do so.
The next tutoring sessions for Mountain Reads will be on Buffalo Park Road is near "Drive Smart".
If someone would like to train to become an adult literacy tutor for our mountain community, could they please contact: Catherine Scott <> ahead of time for more information & so that training materials can be prepared for them.
Training Starts Monday Sept 8, five consecutive weeks, 4:30 - 6:30 at Ravenswood, 28699 Buffalo Park Rd just up hill from library.
Also, for more information, here is the website:
Crutches 4 Africa New Fundraising Campaign
Crutches 4 Africa has gone live in an exciting new online campaign on August 18th. The Campaign is to secure funds needed for immediate distributions. We need this to go viral and worldwide. The immediate goal is $44,000 and our stretch goal is three million. You just never know who might know who, and how this can get into the inbox of that magical donor. We have faith for this to be big, and need your help to do it. For more and to donate click this link: This is through a fundraising site at These types of online campaigns have netted 10’s of thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars to worthwhile non-profits.
Please log on and assist us in any way possible or forward it to business associates, family, friends or even enemies (if you think they would help).
Crutches 4 Africa is raising money with this campaign to ship donated surplus and recycled mobility devices--canes, crutches, walkers, baby joggers, bicycle trailers, and wheelchairs--to people who desperately need them in developing nations.
We are only trying to ship what we have already collected at this time.
Dave Talbot- Founder, Crutches-4-Africa
Potential Clean Shaven Guy, for the right generosity
Our 2014 Tournament was a success for our beneficiaries and it is largely due to our sponsors and Heros. Here is the list, and whenever we see them, we should thank them for their support.
The New Rotary Year is upon us. I look forward to working with this great group in the coming year.
Nancy Grant, Club President
On June 18, 2014 The Rotary Club of Mountain Foothills inducted our new satellite members. New members include:
Roxanne Yelvington
Emily Alba
Wesley Yelvington
Matthew Collett
Sarah Jackson
Ernie Keller
Christopher Mancuso
Brandye Miller
Ethan Rold
Andrew Scripter
Lacee Hartvigsen
This exciting new concept will allow full membership, but different dynamics for the Satellite Club members. More folks committed to Service Above Self has to be a winner.
It is that time of year when Rotarians Worldwide gather to celebrate and encourage the focus of "Service Above Self". This year, the gathering is in Sydney, NSW, Australia. And, is is his custom, our favorite junk collector is there, too.
And he has sent some images to allow us to enjoy his adventures:
We all know how Dave works at these things, so here was his home from home down under
Before: and after:
Friday May 30th, Sydney Olympic Park
Today is booth set up day. As is our habit for booth dressing we travel
light with tools that will gather in attention. Get people to ask a
I always enjoy these set ups, working to get the most out of our 10'x10'
booth (that is a corner booth this convention). Basic materials needed for
the booth is banners and bungee-connected tent poles. 49 lbs. (22kilos) and
will fit within airline luggage size regulations, 62" (178cm) total
measurement of these 3, length, width, height. I like the look of this one
the best so far in our 8 years at the convention
IceMelt 2014
This year, the Evergreen IceMelt continued to be a community event and success. Here are the results for 2014
The official barrel drop time was Friday, March 28 at 13:17:31. The winners are:
1st Place: Linda Kirkpatrick ($1,000 prize)
2nd Place: Carla Boyd ($500)
3rd Place: Beth Feldkamp ($250)
4th Place: Rod Hock ($125)
All four winners are from Evergreen. Congratulations!
Our Wonderful Sponsors for 2014. When you see them, deal with them or happen to be in their area, be sure to tell than thank you, and encourage them in what they do in our Community.
Sustainable Family Communities
A comprehensive new initiative assisting local impoverished citizens who have nothing, other than motivation to have a better quality of life, to build new, small completely sustainable communities that own job creating commercial businesses, have zero waste and zero poverty. The businesses use all of their profits to create and maintain the rental homes, facilities and services that a healthy prosperous community needs. The citizens enable themselves, with dignity and pride, to create their own livable income while earning employee ownership and profit sharing, provide a good quality of life for their families, care for and adopt orphaned children, prepare the community’s children for their and their country’s future, and assist in starting other communities so more of their fellow citizens can move from poverty to prosperity. The communities are designed to be economically, environmentally, food and socially sustainable and self-replicating. A new free market model that does not rely on government subsidies or ongoing charity.
For more information see:
Or email:
With the $1,000 that MFR donated to Mountain Reads, combined with donations from other local Rotary groups, they will be able to receive $7,000 total in matching Rotary grant funds. The group is very excited and will able to purchase a lot of text books with this money.
If anyone would like to become a reading tutor and take the literacy training, the next tutor training begins Thursday May 15th at the Ravenswood's building (it's where Drive Smart is) located at 28677 Buffalo Park Road. The training is from 4:30 to 6:30P & they meet once a month; usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month for 5 sessions. If you do volunteer, please let me know as well.
Mountain Reads has begun steps of moving towards adding tutoring towards math & GED.
Hi all!
Great news! Steamboat Resort is going to let us collect in Gondola Square on April 12th. So all the partners are in place:
Sports Med, Boys & Girls Club, Steamboat Resorts. Thanks to you!!
Fellow Rotarians:
Our club donated to assist Mountain Reads, and I wanted to share Diane Lange's story of success to reinforce the positive impact of our actions:
"Jerry Agee, tutor for Susana, one of our first Mountain Reads clients, just met her goal of being able to find a good job, which in her case, working at King Soopers. She needed to be able to pass the necessary tests, etc.
"Susana will be going to King Soopers training program this coming week. She knows that she can always receive additional tutoring when needed."
Mountain Foothills Rotary, and others, assists again.
Our members and guests donated $396.00, or $9.00 per member, and that is being forwarded to The Rotary Foundation as a per capita donation for each of our 44 members as an Annual Share donation.
Thank you.
Bring your international contributions to TRF night at Mtn Foothills. All funds raised for the February 5 meeting (including Happy Bucks and Sargent at Arms) will be donated to The Rotary Foundation per capita for every member. Your past generosity in well known, and we thank you in advance for your generosity the 5th.
So far we have 6 of 44 members who have pledged and paid the requested $10.00 donation. All others interested should contact T.J at to advise of additional pledges.
And the Winner is: David Brewick! And his "Daves Red" chili!
Upon receipt of his cash prize, Dave immediately donated his prize winnings to Crutches 4 Africa!
Thank you Dave!
Well folks, the gauntlet is down as Dave has three titles under his belt!
So start planning your chili now for next year's "Cabin Fever Chili Cook-off".
Always the day before the Super Bowl.
David Talbot
Each Week, at the Mountain Foothills Meeting, our Club holds a drawing to support our Club Foundation and Sustainable Family Communities, one of our international projects. Thank you to all who participate.
So far, the drawings have raised about $530.00. The winner can selected from bottle of adult beverage that has been donated, a Rotary Scarf or ¼ of the amount raised that night in the drawing. Feel free to join us, and test your luck. The proceeds of the drawing are paid to our Club Foundation (25%) and the remainder to Sustainable Family Communities.
Your support of the Club Foundation and SFC are appreciated.
Rotary International President Elect, Gary C.K. Huang, announced that his theme and drive for his presidential year with be "Light Up Rotary." His announcement at the International Assembly was:
2014 - 2015 Rotary Leadership:
Rotary International President- Gary C.K. Huang
District 5450 Governor- Peter Ewing
Mountain Foothills President- Nancy Grant
10 January 2014
RE: 1.) New overview showing the WHY and HOW of your communities project (pdf attached).
and 2.) a few words on what's going on in the background of your project.
Thank you for your continuing support of our work of compassion to implement Sustainable Family Communities (SFC) as a means for assisting those living in poverty to create a higher quality of life for themselves and their families, and to reduce the number of orphans in the world.
I would like to address two important issues with you:
1. Project Complexity - Some people think that SFC is an overwhelmingly difficult project to accomplish. However, when you examine the project closely (i.e., see it piece-by-piece or step-by-step), every individual component of the project is being done today by other groups. These include Service Clubs like Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, and universities, churches and others around the world (E.g. water wells, clinics, or schools and homes) with which we will collaborate. Attached is a pictorial review of the rational that shows you WHY we have chosen to employ a comprehensive design of SFC communities, and it shows HOW the project pieces all fit together.
In truth, it is not the project design nor even building commercial businesses and homes that is the most challenging aspect of this undertaking. The real complexity and the most difficult challenge is the effort needed to deal with government regulations (at the local, state and national levels) and existing social and economic norms that these communities impact within a country. Our new model does not easily “fit” within existing systems (many of which have evolved to perpetuate poverty). We are “breaking the mold” and advocating a new way for people to live – with zero poverty, in new, small, prosperous communities that are sustainable long term. Would you like to see less poverty around you? Help us implement these communities and watch it diminish.
2. Progress: It may appear to the casual observer that not much is being accomplished by SFC because they do not see businesses or homes being built. They ask, “When will families be moving into new homes?”. Well, all of us working on this initiative want to see that also, but there are critical things that must be accomplished before the building begins (e.g. the complexities mentioned above). For example, our accountants and attorneys from both the USA and Mexico working on specific legal pre-requisites that must be resolved, important relationships must be established with key individuals within both government agencies, universities, foundations and businesses.
Excellent progress is being made and there is growing support for building a network of Sustainable Family Communities. At the same time, we are continuing the fund raising for our operations staff to stay in Mexico while the above tasks are being carried out. If you want to see us doing the construction, we need your help to get to that point by donating operating funds to keep our staff in country working on the items listed above full time.
Two of our donors recently made a short video that is now on Facebook – we encourage you to view the video at the following link:
As they point out in the video, you can also support our efforts by sharing this email and attachment with your social network as well as donations.
A priority at this time is the raising of operational funds (transportation, housing and food) that will be used to support our executive director while living in Mexico while we acquire the funding there for the construction.
To help with these expenses, you can make a credit card donation on our website: You will notice on the donate page, that we are now also able to accept BitCoin and LiteCoin donations.
Thank you again for your interest, support, and for your compassion for the poor and orphans.
As always, we appreciate your feedback, ideas and comments.
On behalf of our team, you are appreciated!
Bob Miller
Dear Fellow Falderalians:
Our season of games is now done. Your generosity is deeply appreciated, and if you have not done so already, please pay the Foundation of Mtn. Foothills Rotary the amount pledged and owing (see below under "more") by giving/sending it to Rose.
At our Meeting on the 8th, we drew from all members of the Club for Starbuck's gift cards. Due to some immediate generosity of one of the drawing winners, a mispayment turned into a donation, and some good thoughts and efforts from one of our members, the net total raised for this year's Falderal is $2,880.00. Our Club Foundation thanks you all.
Mountain Foothills Rotarians are the absolute best. See you soon. This is my final report, and is the final publication of the sheet of pledges. (Payments may not be current, as I don't have all the numbers of what Rose has received.)
T.J Carney
Chief Fladeralian
Med has issued a hearty thanks to all who have appeared to support our Bell Ringing this year. He stated you did a great job, especially considering some of the weather.
Warren rallying the kids
Images cannot describe the help and life that Crutches-4-Africa is providing.
A report has come in from Dave Talbot, that both exemplifies the trials that he and Warren are currently overcoming to help people in gross need, but also his sense of effort and place. It has been published in Just Around Here, so rather than just plagiarize and post, I thought I would give kudo's to both our project and one of our strong supporters as a Club.
Here is the Article from the November 19th edition entitled "My Birthday in Kenya" (Click on the Highlighted Title to read the piece. Feel encouraged to read the rest of the Articles, as well, as this is a strong and caring community voice.)
16 November 2013
RE: 1.) Social Enterprise Fair and Film Festival in Denver
and 2.) Our Indiegogo crowd funding campaign - click to see ZERO POVERTY COMMUNITIES
We are getting more exposure and interest in the Sustainable Family Communities model.
This next Saturday (23 November) we will be participating in the Social Enterprise Fair as one of the organizations that is using the free enterprise system to allieviate poverty in our world.
Join us to see how private sector solutions are alleviating community challenges in the Western Hemisphere and beyond!
Sponsored by: • United Airlines • Enabled Energy, Inc. • Keymark Global Steel Systems
DATE: November 23, 2013 (Saturday) Time: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Where: Colorado Heights University Campus (S. Federal & Dartmouth in Denver)
Tickets: Early Registration $10/Person
All present and registered attendees over the age of 18 will be entered in a drawing to win: One Free Round trip Ticket within the U.S. or Central America courtesy of United Airlines!
Direct Link for Online Registration:
What is “Social Enterprise?”
Social enterprises use business or “market-based” strategies to solve social and environmental challenges. They may be structured as a for-profit or non-profit and have been described as “doing charity by doing business.” While there are many mixed and experimental models, all share the goal of promoting self-sufficiency and sustainable development.
Social Enterprises Showcased include:
• Verifica (Latin America/Global)
• Sustainable Family Communities (Mexico)
• The Six-Second Project (Latin America/Global)
• Fluid Coffee Bar (U.S.)
• Rocky Mountain Micro-Finance Institute (U.S.)
• Healing Waters Int’l (Latin America/Global)
• Hope for Humanity (U.S.)
• Street2Life (U.S.)
• Work for the Door (U.S.)
• And more!
Hosted by PIER Institute and Colorado Heights University.
PIER and CHU are registered 501(c)(3) charities. All contributions are tax-deductible.
Direct Link for Online Registration:
and second, we also are getting exposure on the
Take a look at our Campaign at this link
Thank you again for your interest, support, being part of this project and for having compassion for those who we are serving.
Please pass this information on to others who may be interested.
As always, we appreciate your feedback, ideas and comments.
On behalf of our team, you are appreciated!
Clear Creek Interact Club of Rotary
The young men and women of Clear Creek High School Interact Club.
Current status:
Membership - 24
River Watch - monthly sampling of Clear Creek for Water Quality evaluations by County environmental staff.
Club Rush - clearing house for students to sign up for community service hours to meet graduation requirements.
Project to raise money for needy Georgetown family. One fund raiser to date netted $66.
In addition, the flooding this Fall caused the cancellation of the Interact District Conference, and that is being rescheduled in January. Clear Creek Interact is one of the hosts.
29 October 2013
Hello Fellow Mountain Foothills Rotarians:
Thank you for your continuing interest in our work of compassion to implement Sustainable Family Communities for less poverty and fewer orphans.
I wanted to bring two updated items to you.
1. Our newest short video is Poverty or Prosperity? What are we doing? and you can see it by Clicking Here ( (3 1/2 minutes)
2. Our updated Executive Summary (3 pages) that gives an overview of the Sustainable Family Communities project is attached to this email. Attached below.
Please share this report and video with your social network/Facebook/Twitter.
We are continuing to look for operational funds to begin implementation of these communities in Mexico.
To help, you can make a larger one time donation OR smaller monthly automatic recurring donations (e.g. $100 per month) by Clicking Here.for PayPal (and also our mailing address for checks) or if you prefer here for the Network for Good donation site N for G Donation
Thank you again for your interest, support, being part of this project and for having compassion for those who we are serving.
As always, we appreciate your feedback, ideas and comments.
On behalf of our team, you are appreciated!
Bob (Robert) Miller
Executive Director
Sustainable Family Communities
Our Family Orphan Communities, Inc.
USA Office: 303-514-6858
USA Cell: 303-941-0837
Mexico Cell: (52-1) 55 45 39 46 74
Our speaker Dr. Kathy Fortune
at the last meeting in August had us thoroughly enthralled with her story, survival and spirit. What we need.
It's always inspiring to hear a story about someone who succeeds against the odds, but Kathy's storytelling ability made her story come to life in an amazing way. How does someone who grew up poor in a small tin roofed house in Florida go to Harvard, become a successful psychiatrist and nationally known forensic consultant?
Sustainable Family Communities – Summary of Trip Report 8-30-13
Robert Miller, Mountain Foothills Rotary, US
Major Accomplishments form this last trip:
Evaluation of Design Options for a Prototype SFC Commercial Business
Our two design experts in the areas of aquaculture and greenhouses, Erwin Young and Nick Parker, the parcels of land being offered to SFC by the ejido were studied and evaluated. Based on that, to our existing designs were refined to achieve conformity to the specific characteristics of the land. Work products from this effort will include updated cost and production projections as well as identification of market potential for our products, and calculated new jobs to be created , and assessment of local wholesale markets for our produce and fish were also completed. Local retail demand was also assessed by way of visits to both high-end and neighborhood grocery stores.
The Viability of Establishing a Cellular Lightweight Block Plant (CLC)
Warren Rose, a member of the SFC Steering Team, has done considerable research into the CLC technology along with preliminary investigation of business opportunities for such a business in Mexico. On this last trip, we learned from Past District Governor of Rotary District 4170, Victor Belendez, that such a business, if located within central Mexico, would very likely enjoy a robust market for the CLC products. Evaluation will continue.
Project Funding from within Mexico
We met with Jesus Campos Orozco - President of FONDO FIDES ECOSOL, a US$100M International Development Fund focused on supporting projects that will promote development of social economy. Senior Campos was enthusiastic about the SFC project and requested copies of the Master Plan and Financials. This is especially encouraging due to his 25 years of experience working with indigenous workers and cooperatives across Mexico. Senior Campos informed us that he knows the location of several parcels of land in Central Mexico where the land needed for an entire SFC community may be acquired by donation.
We are pleased to also report that our friends in Mexico donated another $720.00 toward the costs for this latest trip, bringing the total of donations from within Mexico to approxmately, $12,500.00. Thank you Mexico!
Refining the Master Plan for Sustainable Family Communities
We are excited to report that we have been successful in acquiring commitments from noted professors and architectural students from within Anahuac University who have taken on the important task of tailoring our Master Plan to more closely conform to the social, cultural characteristics and traditions of Mexico.
Forward motion is exciting, and progress is gratifying.
With gratitude,
What does a smile, or a life-altering change cost?
Summary of the shipping expenses for one container (US $):
Container: $ 4,000
Shipping: $ 6,400
Kenya customs: $ 1,500
Overland transport: $ 4,500
Uganda customs: $ 500
Total: $ 16,900
For the 3,000 mobility devices sent by Crutches 4 Africa to Uganda in March of 2013 it was about $6.00 per pair, chair, walker, cane or other device, as is shown in the table above.
So what was accomplished?
The little crane that couldn't - Tororo, Uganda
Contents of the Uganda container - Benedictine Eye Hospital, Tororo
The 14 year old Young Lady who fell from a Tree, and her
Replacements for the worn out 1st set of crutches
Crutches 4 Africa has already collected enough mobility devices to fill the next container, but we lack the funding to ship it. What price can you help us with on the next lives and smiles, and disability workshops we can produce and provide?
Sincerely- Dave Talbot
Rotary is a way of thinking. AS we start this year, the thoughts remind us of our Club's commitment to youth, life and healing.
You, as Rotarians make it happen. What happens from your efforts is Magical, and bring the communities of Evergreen, Rotary and the World together.
Rich Mancuso.
Dave has reported in as follows:
A quick update in between groups coming by…
I came to Lisbon with 7 goals for contacts and so far I have surpassed that and am now at an even dozen for the things I hoped to accomplish here.
(Dave obviously ran in to a local guy in Portugal)
So all is good! Weather, exceptional, Food, great! Beer, excellent!
So I am sending along a few photos and hope to load some more onto Facebook. When that is accomplished, I will let you know I have done that and perhaps you could tell the club to check our Facebook page.
(Crutches-4-Africa- Lisbon Branch Office.)
Only cloud on the horizon is a general strike is scheduled for Thursday, which is our flight day and also the flight day for us, may see delays.
Sustainable Orphan Communities is the brain-child of a wondrous adoptive parent, corporate trainer, and amazing Rotarian. SAC is involved in all 6 of the Rotary International Areas of Focus, and now has a location in Mexico.
Salamanca Rotary Club wants a Sustainable Family Community
They would like to see it near three impoverished communities that they are currently helping.
The residents of the three communities have no jobs, no electricity, no running water, no sanitation facilities, lots of rocks, little rain, few crops and a very difficult life.
We have come a long way. Although there is just a short way left to go, the effort is huge, and requires dedication and commitment to End Polio NOW!
Even after we are gone from Africa, at home and getting back to speed (American speed that is) there are those that continue to work on behalf of Crutches 4 Africa.
The barrel fell through the ice on April 8, 2013 at 16:56:04. Drumroll... And the winners are:
1st Place: David Singer of Evergreen - $1,000
2nd Place: John Ellis of Evergreen - $500
3rd Place: John Lange of Golden - $250
4th Place: Robert "Rylen" Billings of North Barrington, Illinois - $125
On April 3, the Mountain Foothills Rotary Club (that is all of you) committed more resources to the fight against Polio. Through commitments of the members and fines and collections on the 3rd, each member of the Club (totaling 45 at the moment) contributed $8.00 to PolioPlus. (This is in addition to at least $2,500 contributed to PolioPlus directly in support of member qualification for Paul Harris Fellowships this Rotary year, but more about that on April 24.)
That is a total (so far) for this Club-wide effort of $360.00 at the meeting, and an additional $100.00 has been received.
Anyone else who wishes to commit further on behalf of the club and its members, please do so by contacting T.J to discuss.
Well done, one and all. Once again your generosity is wondrous.
Dave Talbot, subject to the vagaries of everything else he has to do, is back among us. He has provided the summary below of what "Trip 13" set out to do, and what was accomplished.
In addition, he is headed to Steamboat Springs for:
Where are the orphans?
When I first started volunteering to help at an orphanage, I thought all the children there were orphans. It took a while before I learned that most of them were not. So when we help an orphanage by putting in a well, or building a school, or giving them clothes, who are we really helping?
While a few had lost their parents or had been removed from abusive families, it turned out that the majority of the children were there because the parent or parents were so impoverished that they could not take care of them. Some mornings, we would wake up to find one or more children who had been left at the gate. The parents knew that the children in the orphanage were eating every day, going to school and had people who would watch over them (or so they assumed).
With poverty being such a major reason why kids end up in orphanages, why are there not more serious efforts to address that cause? To create more jobs, teach job skills and provide micro-enterprise development so the parent(s) can afford to take care of their children?
The Sustainable Family Communities project is addressing that cause. We are working to create the businesses, jobs, training and community support that parents need to be able to keep their children and provide a decent quality-of-life while preparing them for their own and their country’s future. And you are helping us to be able to provide that for them.
We are doing the right thing! This week we received direct confirmation in the form of a meeting with Lynn Hammond, a Rotary Foundation Trustee and Past Rotary International Director.
We are moving forward, and have the thoughtful power of Lynn and many others behind us as the next part of our project gets underway.
Best, Bob Miller
District Governor, Mike Klingbiel, has asked all of us to support the eradication of Polio. We can do this financially by texting "Polio" to 90999 and then confirming the e-Mail we receive. The week commencing February 18, 2013 is targeted in our District as "End Polio Week," and the period he is encouraging us and our friends to make this donation. Each time we do this, $5.00 is added to your bill, but also to the End Polio Now effort of Rotary International. You do not have to be a Rotarian, anyone can text to help. Think about it, and encourage your text literate friends and family to do this for those in need.
Additionally, I have asked every club member to consider a donation of $10.00 or more by April 3 to the PolioPlus Program. Texting a donation as above will count toward this, but you have to let me know, please. In addition, some members have given cash or checks (made out to PolioPlus, please) to me or Rose toward this request. Thank you.
On April 3, all fines, donations, birthday or anniversary payments will be applied so that every member of our club (in additional to whatever else each has done) is credited with a donation. Consider making a donation of $50.00 to PolioPlus ($1.00 for each member, approximately) on that date to End Polio Now!!
T.J Carney, International Programs Chair
Mountain Foothills Rotary has assisted in the formation and chartering of the Clear Creek High School Interact Club.
District Governor Mike Klingbiel awards the Interact Club Charter to Faculty Advisor Kara Butterworth and Club President Jordan App at the Interact Club meeting at Clear Creek High School on January 30, 2013
Dear Fellow Falderalians, and Mountain Foothills Rotarians:
We have an amazing group and 2012 is now in the books. Rose and I have information on what is owed, if any of you still have questions, but, to end it all, thank you all for your spirit, fun and generosity.
T.J Carney, Chief Falderalian
SAC Steering Team continuing elaboration of the implementation strategy that will accelerate creation of the first Sustainable Adoption Community. Participants included: (L to R); Bob Miller - MFR, Warren Rose - MFR, Abbas Rajabi - Denver SE club & experienced with 20 Rotary projects in Mexico), Dr. Dan Wessner - Regis University Chair of History & Politics, Cathy Marquez - Extensive cultural experience and expertise with indigenous peoples, Michael Lanier - MFR, Jeffrey Mantz - Castle Pines club with deep experience with Rotary projects in Zimbabwe, Clay Takara - MFR, Peter Baird - Wells Fargo Financial Advisor with in-depth experience with Mexican peoples and culture, Trent Winegar – current President, MFR. Photo taken by TJ Carney – Past President MFR. Not present were Mat Matson – Past District Governor and Conifer Rotary Club, and Maria Rosa Camp – Founder and recent Director of into your Hands – Africa - Evergreen club.
We are truly excited about the expertise that is gathering (see above) to provide invaluable advice, insights and guidance in support of this Mountain Foothills Rotary Club international project.
The discussion/work centered around sending a team to Mexico City in February. The key purpose of this trip is to meet with Frank Devlyn (FPRI), certain philanthropic individuals and key governmental officials. The specific goal is obtaining commitment from Mexico based Rotary Clubs to become Champions of SAC as we establish cooperative partnerships in a cross-border coalition of Mexico Rotarians, Mexican philanthropists and their Charitable Foundations, and Mountain Foothills Rotary Club.
In addition to further solidifying our working relationship with Frank Devlyn, we will be meeting with Rotary District Governors (Past, present and elect) and Rotary Clubs from central Mexican states. Meetings are also being planned with organizations and foundations including: Comex Foundation (property restoration), ProVivah (home building), ProEmpleo (micro-enterprise development) and Agropark (greenhouse building).
We are most grateful to the Board of Directors of our Mountain Foothills Rotary, the Board of our MFR Foundation, and our fellow MFR club members for their support of the Sustainable Adoption Communities project. Together we are committed to changing the lives of orphans around the world and demonstrating the viability of a true “solution” model that can be applied by Rotary and other organizations around the world.
Bob Miller.
2013 - 2014 Rotary Leadership:
Rotary International President- Ron Burton
District 5450 Governor- Dan Himmelsbach
Mountain Foothills President- Rich Mancuso
Evergreen Ice Melt Contest Officially Underway with Barrel Placed on Lake Jan. 2nd
Evergreen, CO – Members of the Mountain Foothills Rotary Club placed the 2013 Evergreen Ice Melt Contest barrel on Evergreen Lake on Wednesday, January 2 at 3 p.m. Club member, Jerry Lautigar, assisted by Club President Trent Winegar and other Rotarians, cut a hole in the ice into which the barrel was set. It will be monitored until it falls into the lake when the ice thaws.
Individuals can participate in the Ice Melt Contest by purchasing tickets and entering the date and time when they believe the barrel will fall through the ice. Tickets and more contest details are available at First place prize for the most accurate guess is $1,000; second place $500; third place $250; and fourth place $125. Proceeds from ticket sales go to support Evergreen Christian Outreach, the EPRD Special Needs Program, and charitable causes of the Mountain Foothills Rotary Foundation.
Following the barrel placement, Ice Melt sponsors and community partners joined the Mountain Foothills Rotary for a “launch party” at Willow Creek restaurant. Local sponsors are invited and encouraged to help us reach this year’s $20,000 fundraising goal. Interested sponsors can call 303-886-6463.
To date, Gold Level Sponsors are Chow Down, Colorado Serenity, Evergreen National Bank, and Silver Level Sponsors are Dogma, DW's 285 Diner, Elevation Dentistry, Evergreen Dental Group, 1st National Bank of Evergreen, Hanson & CO CPAs, Lakepoint Center, Mountain Park Vets, and Willow Creek. Bronze Tier Sponsors are Cabinets of Denver, EverBean, Evergreen Oil, Intero Real Estate, Le Boudoir, Loanbright, Ponderosa Car Wash, Sells Law Firm, and Tuscany Tavern.
Evergreen Park & Recreation District, the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, and Evergreen Fire and Rescue are supporting partners of the Evergreen Ice Melt.
Dave wrote to us about the following story, that he wanted to share:
Today we met with two local disability groups here in Kisumu. During the first meeting one woman (Sara) gave testimony that she had previously been a beggar. Her family called her "beggar woman" instead of Sara, and she struggled to support her children. She had no self esteem.
She received crutches from C4A in 2009 and at that time she started a her own small business, grilling corn on the street corner. Soon, she started crocheting strips from plastic grocery bags that were free everywhere. They are simply remarkable! (Sara is the woman on the right in the photo below:
Another life lifted from the dust to community, and from hopelessness to sufficiency by donations of unwanted mobility devices to those who really need them.
These videos are of Dave and Candice's activities. This is the distribution at Meru, Hospital in Kenya.
Med Durel announced the schedule this year for the Salvation Army Christmas Bell Ringing at Safeway, Hwy 74, Evergreen. We are doing this for 5 weeks, and there are three weeks remaining. The schedule and those signed up is:
Remaining Schedule of Mountain Foothills Rotarians
Sunday, 12/9- 10 AM to 12 Noon- Wally G and Bart and Toni
12 Noon to 2 PM- Joann K and Judi QSunday, 12/16- 10 AM to 12 Noon- Jeanne C and Bill D.
12 Noon to 2 PM- Bob Z and Jon HSunday, 12/23- 10 AM to 12 Noon- Cindy D and David N.
12 Noon to 2 PM- Joann K and Don KThank you for your efforts. You can expect a reminder call, and for any other questions, call Med Durel, 303-674-2378
(RotoTechie No. 3)
Attending Virtually from Everywhere I Want to Be
By T.J Carney
Mountain Foothills Rotary
We have to many demands on our time. Add that I am a Rotarian, too. Each Wednesday I gather with my Club to celebrate, learn, organize and develop what we do through Rotary. We interact, and we have our fellowship. Sometimes, we also meet other times and places to get that volunteer effort organized, continued or culminated, and it is hard to be everywhere. It is now possible for me to be most places I need or want to be much more easily.
Telephone Conferencing:
As an attorney, Library or Fire Board member, Rotarian, or with my family, I have been a disembodied voice in a meeting or gathering. Many reading this have had this experience, from one side of phone or another. When there is only one calling in from afar, it is simple, but when more than one want to do so, a telephone conferencing system is required. Our District Technology Committee has introduced me to Rondee (
What is it? It is a “free” telephone conference calling system.
What does it cost? You need a telephone, and will have to call in to a telephone number in California (or somewhere) that doesn’t presently have “800” numbers available.
What can you do with it? You can talk to as many people as you need for whatever you are trying to accomplish. A committee meeting of 10, a family phone reunion of 50, or a business conference of 3 are all available options. You can record the meeting (especially important if you are a lousy note taker), and make it available to others who could not attend. A list of those who did attend will also be available to assist in what is later needed.
Why would you want it? Because sometimes we still have to talk to accomplish a goal. Coordinating a shipment of crutches to Nigeria in a hurricane by speaking with the storage company in Pennsylvania, the shipping contractor in N.Y., the volunteers in Maine, and the guru of such things in Colorado becomes as simple as sending a time, date, and phone number with an access number (PIN) to those who need to be there. No airline flights. No train trips. No driving across town or two states over. (Even then the shipment was delayed a week by Sandy.)
There are many systems. These days almost any phone service that also offers internet to residences or businesses offers some kind of conferencing set up. But free (except for the call to California), unlimited, recordable, and referable are all things that the CEO or the grandfather or the Health and Hunger Chair can find endearing and useful about this process.
Maybe we should try it to see if some group of us (which will require we get our own wine, unfortunately, unlike my club’s weekly pre-meeting fellowship) can operate to do good while comfortable at our home or office (or even the airport on the way to Kenya).
Interested? Contact me for questions or instructions.
(“RotoTechie” No. 2)
As Children, Weren’t We Taught to Share?
Now we can communicate and be seen (Video Conferencing, see, RotoTechie No. 1)) and tie together as many of us as we need to talk things through. What if we could see what we are talking about? Some of us don’t learn or understand by hearing, we have to see it.
Computer Screen Sharing:
“I have a cool design that is just perfect to correct your problem,” she said. I thought, yeah, well, “Really cool” to her may be really hideous and unworkable to me. Since she is half my age, and 4 time zones away. After all, I have not exactly followed the typical fashion line in my life, in clothes or building layouts or furnishings. So I said, “That’s nice to hear,” in as flat a tone as possible. So she said, “You want to see it, now?” “You’re in Kihei, I am in Colorado, I am not ready to sign off on something I haven’t seen.” And she said “,” although I am not sure that is what I heard. So after a pause, with a slight chuckle, she said, “I sent you the link, I use” (
What is it? It is a “free” screen sharing system that allows up to 250 viewers at the same time of the computer screen in front of you (or somewhere else that needs to be seen).
What does it cost? You need a computer or smart phone or tablet with the correct application “App.” Other than that, the free version is “Free,” and the collaborative version is free for up to 4 “team members.” (For the Free version you use the “Basic” button to start. There is a “pro” version, too, that has more features and a cost.)
What can you do with it? You can let up to 250 people at a time see the same thing you are working through on the screen of your computer. You can make changes, update screens, provide any visual information you can display on your computer monitor or smart phone, and they see it. (YouTube Demo:
Why would you want it? You may need to run a power-point from a meeting. You may need to train someone on opening the container of crutches in Mombasa. You may need to show something important (like how did you find that on the District Website?). How about pictures of your hail damaged roof? How about your grand-child in the mud with the frog? I think you get the idea. Sometimes People need to see what you are talking about. It’s easy if you are together (well maybe less so with 250 people), but it’s hard if you’re not all in the room.
We were able to see the new drawings for repairing a water leak. We didn’t see a photo from the manufacturer’s advertising, but from the contractor’s phone a video of the stocks on hand and other projects, and were able to see the “cool” quality of the materials. It made the decision making a lot easier.
Can we make some of our meetings open online Those traveling or home bound could participate in a Club Assembly. It’s not our Fathers or Grandfathers Rotary meeting, but, could it work? T.J Carney
We mourn the passing of Kay Brewick’s sister and our fellow Rotarian Connie Lisowe who passed away Saturday; losing her battle against breast cancer.
Connie was vivacious, fun loving and good friend to all of us who came to know her. Her passing came way too young and she will be sorely missed.
Information regarding services will be shared as soon as we hear more from Dave or Kay.
A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to a Rotary District Committee Meeting
In our Rotary club, there are many of us who no longer have a day to day need for conference calling, business travel, document delivery, faxing, or some of us even some types of phones (hard wired or cell). At the same time, new and improved (and free) means of doing many of these things have appeared, and are being used very effectively, for business, family, hobby and Rotary Committee meetings.
Our 2012-2013 District 5450 Governor, Mike Klingbiel, happens to be in the technology business, and for him, using these things, and finding out about them, are a daily occurrence. He is a founding part of the District Technology Committee (, and while nothing is totally free or perfect, some interesting tools have been/are being put into use. Since there are no licensing deals, or donations involved, here is my first installment to talk about what we are and/or could be using.
Video Conferencing:
Most everyone has heard of Skype. (
What is it? It is a “free” video conferencing system.
What does it cost? You need a microphone/video webcam ($40 plus or minus depending on quality), a Smart Phone or Computer or Internet enabled T.V ($who knows) and the Skype program ($0.00 if you just want to video conference with one other Skype subscriber at a time).
What can you do with it? You can talk to other users and see them on your monitor. (It’s Dick Tracy’s wrist phone on steroids. (Demo YouTube:
Calls with multiple participants (which does have an additional subscription cost attached), like your family in 4 countries are possible. You can call any working telephone in the world from your computer (may have additional cost). You can send and messages by text to/from any subscriber. You can also have (for an additional cost) a phone number assigned to you that will ring on your home, office or cell phone but is accessible from any phone or Skype subscriber (like having Century Link, but not them or their charges.)
Why would you want it? In the lingo of my teenage years, “It’s, like man, really cool.” Seeing family and friends far away, not just hearing them or reading their letters and e-Mails, is a wonderful experience. Besides, Dick Tracy could only communicate with his team. George Jetson has it in everything, including his head set, and you can now get computers built into your sunglasses (assuming you would want that.)
My Skype address is SkypeTJ, and feel free to try it out and connect with me my fellow Rotarians.
David has great news, and huge opportunities for Crutches 4 Africa, and Rotarians around the World.
At the moment, C4A is collecting Wheel Chairs for the Rotary Club of Karachi, Pakistan. He has asked each Club in District 5450 to donate 1 chair.
At the moment, there are 9 pallets of mobility devises stored in Dulluth, Minnesota as a result of the efforts of the College of St. Scholastica Rotaract Club.
At the moment, Dave is basking in the positive energy of a Cabin Fever Chili Cookoff in a Blizzard, that generated badly needed funds.
Dave is headed to Bangkok for the RI convention, and then to Pakistan and Africa for distributions.
A great program moves forward.
How inspiring when a visionary leader identifies a need in less developed counties and energetically addresses that need, particularly when the charitable activities that make a difference involve Rotary!
Dave Talbot and his wife, Candice [and] their story about Crutches 4 Africa.
While working on a documentary film in Uganda in 2005, [Dave] witnessed a woman struggling to be mobile with only a limb from tree for a crutch. That image griped his mind and engendered a vision: Crutches 4 Africa, On a subsequent visit and just by chance, they saw a large 4’ x 6’ sign at the head waters of the Nile river that boldly displayed the Four Way Test. . . . Polio was the disease that partially crippled him at age 2 ½. Dave realized that a connection could be made through Rotary International to bring surplus mobility devices like canes, crutches, walkers and wheelchairs from the United States to Africa where such equipment is practically non-existent.
. . .From a humble start in 2006 with the delivery of 235 pairs of crutches to the needy in Uganda, the support for the organization has grown so that by 2010, Crutches 4 Africa had delivered 10,000 mobility devices. [Adding 5 additional containers in 2011 brings that total to 43,000.] The initial goal is 1 million.
Crutches 4 Africa was fortunate to receive a $50,000 donation from a private foundation in 2011 which covered the cost to deliver 5 containers. Today each container costs $10,000 to ship and on average has 3,500 mds packed inside. That puts the cost of each md delivered at $3 USD each! Please share any ideas you have about funding sources to help Dave and Candice continue this effort. Incidentally, this is a labor of love for them; they receive no compensation for their work.
. . . Often the mds are collected from individuals, one device at a time. Once collected in sufficient quantity, a 40’ container is filled and . . . sent on their way to a recipient nation. Once the container arrives and clears customs, the distribution process begins. Rotary Clubs at the receiving end have been very helpful in reducing the cost of clearing customs and the four way test allows little room for corruption and bribes.
. . .
On the recycling end, the key, according to Dave Talbot, is to make the drop-off of mds as easy as possible. There is plenty of room for individual initiative. David Walsh from the Casco Bay Sunrise [Me.] Club made an arrangement with Shaw’s Supermarkets for two drop off sites at the stores in the Westgate and Northgate Shopping Plaza. . . . Rich Cantz is already thinking about ways that Goodwill Industries could help in this recycling effort. A good idea, combined with passion, yields an abundant harvest. And as Dave often says, “every pair counts!”
“We toil together to enable those
we may never see.
Hobbled in life by some illness, accident
or act of violence.
Many are hopeless.
The generous donations given to
Crutches 4 Africa
are the tools we use
to help raise the hindered,
to lift them from the dust,
and help them on their way.”
Dave Talbot