Your presence is necessary for our club to be the beneficiary of your opinions. Hopefully we will have a good turnout to maximize the input from members on important issues for our club. It should be informative and fun. We need new members as well as seasoned members.
Bill reminds us that we will be having some guests in upcoming weeks. Part of our appeal is the fact that we are a friendly and fun group. Let that friendliness show when the guests arrive. A good introduction might be asking the visitor to tell something about themselves is a good starter, Bill, the world’s best salesguy, reminds.
A couple of dates to remember:
Sept 21st will be the sheriff candidate’s night. It will be at the Buchanan rec. center. The sheriff becomes the commander in case of a wildfire, so who this person becomes is very important. I know we will all want to attend this important community event which we are co-sponsoring with the Canyon Courier.  Chris Nims will serve as moderator.
The other important date is the highway cleanup on Sept. 17th. This is becoming a big deal at which we will combine with the Blue Spruce Kiwanis. The idea of citizens helping raising the standards of cleanliness shows the local pride we all have.  Why wouldn’t we be a leader in this effort?