2022-2023 District Governor 'Buchi Anikpezie
This week our District Governor Buchi Anikpezie will be our speaker and special guest. He is the first E Club member to serve as Governor. He has shown early in the year that he is willing to make changes to improve Rotary’s appeal. One specific thing he has done is to lessen the administrative load on district officers to make the jobs less onerous and therefore more attractive to club members. Hopefully this year will be the first growth year for our district in a dozen years.
This year The Foundation of Mountain Foothills Rotary has a goal for Colorado Gives of donating $2,500.00 between now and December 6, 2022. We are more than half-way there!
All participating Colorado-Gives Day nonprofits earn a percentage of the $1.6 million Colorado-Gives Day Incentive Fund.  Here’s how to participate…. Go to the coloradogives.org and make a donation to our foundation. That gift will generate additional funds from Colorado gives. It’s simple The More We Raise; The More We Get! 
These Funds in our Foundation allow us to continue supporting needs and wishes by nonprofits within our community. If you can donate even a small amount, it would help us reach our goal!
The other urgent item I need to bring to your attention is the Holiday Party at Mount Vernon. It will be on December 18th. It will be a nice buffet. We will have the gift draw, and after years of silence, the Rotary Christmas Carole will be updated. I believe this will be a nice event and the cost is a modest $25 per person. Please RSVP to TJ . by email (mfrc@Carneylaw.net )Please sign up right away.
Come hear our District Governor. A good attendance would represent us well.