Whether you formally make new year’s resolutions or not, it is the time of year when you think about the new year with an eye to make positive changes.
Hopefully, you will decide to do more to support the goals of our Rotary club in 2023. Let me be specific. We are currently hoping you will do two things.
First, either be a seller of tickets at one of our designated stores at least twice. Or make some calls to obtain sponsors. Pick which ever you think works best for you and let Jaime know your choice. The second ask is that you sell $100 worth of tickets to friends.
This week Bill Dixon, Bill Downes, Bob Zavodski, Nancy Grant, a volunteer Maren recruited, and I worked the three grocery locations.
We hope you will agree to work next weekend…. please let me know that you can work. If the temperature is too severe, we will not work, but the current advanced forecast is for reasonable temperatures.
This week our meeting will be 100% zoom as Mount Vernon is closed. The zoom address is at the bottom of this bulletin.
Our board meeting will begin at 5 and will also be zoom. The program is for members to suggest resolutions for our club for 2023.
Review this great video (done by Keith) to summarize Dec.
Thanks Keith