This week our speaker is Reverend Duncan Miller. He is a collector of Charles Shultz  books and and expert on the adventures of Charlie brown, Linus, Snoopy and Lucy.
Duncan will take us through the life and times of Charles Shultz and his cast of characters. It’s a fascinating and fun presentation you will greatly enjoy.
We are going to have to supplement our ice melt ticket selling techniques. On Sat. we had a full contingent of ticket sellers. Thanks to Kay and Dave Brewick, Chris Nims, Michael Lanier and Rose Lyon. We only sold $190 worth of tickets despite good efforts.
The problem….all three stores were covered with Girl Scouts selling cookies. I’ll ask this question, what’s going to draw your attention? ………. A bunch of cute little girl scouts jumping up and down with enthusiasm or a couple of old people. Yep…. that’s what happened. I asked and the leaders say the girls plan to show up each week-end through March 15th.  
So, please put your thinking cap on and send me your best ideas to sell tickets.  Your suggestions will be carefully considered. We need an opportunity to expose large numbers to the ice melt value proposition.  Speak to me….
Last week’s attendance was disappointing….hope to see everyone this week.
Enjoy the Super Bowl