Stuff you should know...

If you have an idea or topic that you would like to present to us, we would be honored to hear from you at one of our meetings!
About Our Meeting:
Our weekly meetings are held most every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at the Mount Vernon Canyon Club. We start with club business including guest introductions and move on to Speaker Presentations after the first 15 minutes of our Club meeting. We also have time before and after our Club meeting for people to socialize and mingle (see schedule below).
5:30 PM to 6:00 PM - Social (optional)
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Club Meeting
7:15 PM to 9:00 PM - Dinner (optional)
Some Things to Consider as a Potential Speaker:
  • We only schedule speakers who have a topic of informational, educational, motivational or entertainment value that will be of general interest to our club members and our guests.
  • We refrain from controversial topics or volatile issues that could arouse anger and division. If you believe that the Club should hear about a controversial or volatile issue, please contact someone within our Board of Directors for direction. In such cases, we’ll want to ensure a balanced perspective.
  • We try to avoid repetition or sameness.  Although we welcome people speaking multiple times, we are typically looking for a speaker we haven’t heard before with a fresh topic.
  • We refrain from political or religious topics.  Rotary International is a non-political and non-religious organization.  As a matter of policy, Rotary Clubs do not take positions on public questions, including religious, political, or international issues.
  • We refrain from political candidates during an election campaign.  It’s OK to have a congressman, senator or other elected official speak to our club when the format is simply a report to constituents on congressional or legislative affairs.
  • We avoid local representatives of non-profit organizations when their primary purpose is to solicit funding, unless requested by the Board. We will consider such speakers only if they have a unique topic that is not a sales pitch for funding. If you are looking for funding, please check out our Foundation for grants and other options that may be available to your organization. 
  • We refrain from product or service promotion. We do not allow the use our Rotary podium to promote for profit products or services. Rotary speakers should refrain from dispensing individual financial advice.
  • We ask you please refer to Rotary International's Guiding Principles and the Four Way Test if you are considering being a speaker.
Your Presentation:
If you have a power point slide or video that you would like to bring to aid your presentation, you are of course welcome to do so. We will try to dedicate 20-30 minutes of time for your presentation. If you require more time to present your ideas, please let us know ahead of time so we can arrange accordingly.
If you are interested in Speaking, please fill out the form below:
Note: you can fill this form out without having a gmail account.